The Fiscal Cliff is a situation where Congress and the White House do not want to deal with realities.
Revenue and spending need to be addressed! We as a country are not willing to pay for things, people believe the "Government" is some magical entity with lots of money to spread around. As it is said, there is no free lunch!
In our country, real taxes are generated from economic activity, that means that our market economy generates the resources that are used to pay the taxes. I know that government employees file taxes, but their taxes in many ways is just a bookkeeping exercise as government does not create wealth for the economy. It is only through economic activity that can resolve this issue.
The President does not understand this and his insistence on "sticking it to the wealthy" does not encourage economic growth. Deductions and loopholes need to be closed and we need to have a tax policy that is fair and simple. When tax policy is simple, business and investors can plan better, thus create a stable economy.
When the "state" intervenes in the economy, havoc reigns!
The current recession has its roots in government intervention in the marketplace - sub prime mortgages are a perfect example of government interference in the market place. This President has prolonged the recovery and keeps saying that free market are what got us in this mess. WRONG, Mr. President it was social engineering on the part of the "state" that everyone should own a house no matter what their ability to pay that mortgage might be.
Now, this President believes that solving the deficit involves raising taxes and increased "stimulus" spending is the way to go. The part that makes me laugh is that Unemployment Benefits and Food Stamps can stimulate the economy. All those items do is prevent food riots and some petty crimes from occurring. Stimulus to the economy comes from the private sector and the creation of productive wealth, not transfer payments from the US Treasury.
My solutions are simple and practiced in every household around the world. Trim spending, align revenue with required spending and start to pay down the debt you have.
The last word, anybody who understands "Keynesian Economics" also knows that during the good times that you run a surplus and pay off the debt. Well, it looks like US politicians haven't thought of that for over 80 years since FDR was President.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Sunday, November 18, 2012
Well It's Over
Obama won, Romney lost; I am not happy but I have learned to accept things in my life.
The next four years will be crucial for the USA and our elected politicians must deal with it and save this country.
The "Fiscal Cliff" is something that Congress and the President created because nobody can make any agreements.
The time has come for action and the action must be taken despite political ideologies. The President needs to stop this idea of "redistribution of wealth" or the "rich must pay their fair share" diatribe. The Republicans in the House of Representatives need to realize that more revenue needs to be raised.
Now, the President and his socialist cronies keep talking about the Federal Government "investing" in things. President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, I have news for you a government never "invests" in anything, governments spend money. If all these previous "investments" were true investments, the Federal Government would be turning a profit, we know that is not the case. Governments provide services that that the market cannot provide such as protecting our borders, enforcing laws with justice and fighting our countries enemies.
To the Republican leaders in Congress, we need to raise revenues to pay for obligations made to people that have paid into various programs such Social Security. If these obligations are not kept, people will suffer serious consequences in their lives because they have no other alternatives.
Spending is the issue followed by revenues. To the President and his socialist cabal, quit spending money on programs that are not covered by the Constitution. Eliminate Obamacare, bailouts, hiring more federal employees and eliminate useless federal programs. To Nancy Pelosi; you had better read and know the Constitution like the back of your hand. Spending at the Federal level should only be for the needs of our country and not continuing give away programs for bribing of voters.
In terms of revenue, John Boehner is on the right track in terms of closing loopholes and deductions for those that can afford the scores of accountants and lawyers to take advantage of them. By, eliminating many of the loopholes we will increase revenues to the Treasury and start to deal with the budget deficit.
Spending is the root cause of the issue and as we borrow more money, we pay more in interest to the lenders. Everyone needs to live within their means and the Federal government needs to be a leader in fiscal responsibility. First, the Federal bureaucracy is way too big and most of the civilian employees are overpaid and under worked which drains the economy. A way to start to cut spending is to what the private sector is forced to do in tough, start reducing salaries and benefits of large numbers of federal employees. Get Federal employee compensation in line with the private sector. The average federal employee compensation exceeds those in the private sector. The cuts in the federal compensation will create billions in cost reductions. I use the term of cost reductions in place of savings, because I have never seen the Federal government save a single penny.
After the spending has been reduced into rational, constitutional requirements and the tax loopholes have been closed, we must begin to rationalize revenues. Deductions must be reviewed to see if they make sense and truly are needed by tax payers. This must be done for both corporate and personal taxing regimens. The tax code at the Federal level requires a complete overhaul, this must be done to reach a goal of having in place of a flat taxation method. Taxes are to raise government revenues not social engineering and supposed "redistribution of wealth". Government is not a wealth generator or a vehicle for growing a market economy, it is a brake for growth and a parasite that sucks wealth from the populace.
Our political leaders and representatives need to get their collective heads screwed on straight and begin to deal with the issues. Spending needs to be lowered and revenue increased in a way to not destroy the economy or our lives. Obligations have been made and need to be kept such as Social Security because many have no other option. The Federal Government has a constitutionally mandated obligation to protect our borders. The states need to step up and get their collective heads screwed on straight and balance their budgets. That means that the public sector unions need to back off on their demands for excessive compensation and deal with reality.
Revenues, taxation rates will need to change and there may be cases where they might have to increase in some circumstances. Increased rates should be considered on sources of income such as interest and dividends and where that income exceeds a level such as $1 million in a year. This will minimize the impact on the individual but allow those in the vast majority such as retirees from not having to pay the higher rate. There is talk of increasing incomes on those making more than $250,000 per year. A person making $250,000 a year in 2012 does not think that they are wealthy and if they live in places like New York City, they believe themselves to be in the middle class. Now, if the income were moved to $1 million dollars, I think you will find people like myself not having a real problem with it.
So, in summary my 2 cents on the Fiscal Cliff is as follows:
1) Cut Spending and rationalize what is necessary
2) Rationalize loopholes and deductions, eliminate those that are not necessary for the creation of wealth.
3) Limit any Federal Government spending to constitutionally or "contractual" obligations (e.g. Social Security).
4) Reduce Federal Government employee compensation to in line with the private sector.
5) Tell the public sector unions to "Go to Hell" , they are a part of the problem and so far not a part of the solution.
The next four years will be crucial for the USA and our elected politicians must deal with it and save this country.
The "Fiscal Cliff" is something that Congress and the President created because nobody can make any agreements.
The time has come for action and the action must be taken despite political ideologies. The President needs to stop this idea of "redistribution of wealth" or the "rich must pay their fair share" diatribe. The Republicans in the House of Representatives need to realize that more revenue needs to be raised.
Now, the President and his socialist cronies keep talking about the Federal Government "investing" in things. President Obama, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi, I have news for you a government never "invests" in anything, governments spend money. If all these previous "investments" were true investments, the Federal Government would be turning a profit, we know that is not the case. Governments provide services that that the market cannot provide such as protecting our borders, enforcing laws with justice and fighting our countries enemies.
To the Republican leaders in Congress, we need to raise revenues to pay for obligations made to people that have paid into various programs such Social Security. If these obligations are not kept, people will suffer serious consequences in their lives because they have no other alternatives.
Spending is the issue followed by revenues. To the President and his socialist cabal, quit spending money on programs that are not covered by the Constitution. Eliminate Obamacare, bailouts, hiring more federal employees and eliminate useless federal programs. To Nancy Pelosi; you had better read and know the Constitution like the back of your hand. Spending at the Federal level should only be for the needs of our country and not continuing give away programs for bribing of voters.
In terms of revenue, John Boehner is on the right track in terms of closing loopholes and deductions for those that can afford the scores of accountants and lawyers to take advantage of them. By, eliminating many of the loopholes we will increase revenues to the Treasury and start to deal with the budget deficit.
Spending is the root cause of the issue and as we borrow more money, we pay more in interest to the lenders. Everyone needs to live within their means and the Federal government needs to be a leader in fiscal responsibility. First, the Federal bureaucracy is way too big and most of the civilian employees are overpaid and under worked which drains the economy. A way to start to cut spending is to what the private sector is forced to do in tough, start reducing salaries and benefits of large numbers of federal employees. Get Federal employee compensation in line with the private sector. The average federal employee compensation exceeds those in the private sector. The cuts in the federal compensation will create billions in cost reductions. I use the term of cost reductions in place of savings, because I have never seen the Federal government save a single penny.
After the spending has been reduced into rational, constitutional requirements and the tax loopholes have been closed, we must begin to rationalize revenues. Deductions must be reviewed to see if they make sense and truly are needed by tax payers. This must be done for both corporate and personal taxing regimens. The tax code at the Federal level requires a complete overhaul, this must be done to reach a goal of having in place of a flat taxation method. Taxes are to raise government revenues not social engineering and supposed "redistribution of wealth". Government is not a wealth generator or a vehicle for growing a market economy, it is a brake for growth and a parasite that sucks wealth from the populace.
Our political leaders and representatives need to get their collective heads screwed on straight and begin to deal with the issues. Spending needs to be lowered and revenue increased in a way to not destroy the economy or our lives. Obligations have been made and need to be kept such as Social Security because many have no other option. The Federal Government has a constitutionally mandated obligation to protect our borders. The states need to step up and get their collective heads screwed on straight and balance their budgets. That means that the public sector unions need to back off on their demands for excessive compensation and deal with reality.
Revenues, taxation rates will need to change and there may be cases where they might have to increase in some circumstances. Increased rates should be considered on sources of income such as interest and dividends and where that income exceeds a level such as $1 million in a year. This will minimize the impact on the individual but allow those in the vast majority such as retirees from not having to pay the higher rate. There is talk of increasing incomes on those making more than $250,000 per year. A person making $250,000 a year in 2012 does not think that they are wealthy and if they live in places like New York City, they believe themselves to be in the middle class. Now, if the income were moved to $1 million dollars, I think you will find people like myself not having a real problem with it.
So, in summary my 2 cents on the Fiscal Cliff is as follows:
1) Cut Spending and rationalize what is necessary
2) Rationalize loopholes and deductions, eliminate those that are not necessary for the creation of wealth.
3) Limit any Federal Government spending to constitutionally or "contractual" obligations (e.g. Social Security).
4) Reduce Federal Government employee compensation to in line with the private sector.
5) Tell the public sector unions to "Go to Hell" , they are a part of the problem and so far not a part of the solution.
Sunday, July 15, 2012
The Value of US Citizenship
We all can agree that immigration reform is needed for the USA - FACT!
President Obama has really upset with his failure to enforce current immigration laws and will not deport ALL illegal immigrants from the USA. A nation of laws is a nation that is stable and freedom is preserved. A nation without laws is chaos to the extreme.
My wife and stepson are LEGAL residents of the USA and I can say from experience that the legal process is expensive and extensive. I am very angry with this administration because they are undermining the value of US citizenship. The striking down of laws by states to enforce immigration laws and assure the integrity of elections upsets me greatly. This election is very important and states like Texas and Florida want assure that US citizens are voting not illegal aliens and non-citizens. Yet, this administration wants to have no safeguards for assuring that our republic is sound and stable.
My wife and son want to become US citizens when they have completed the requisite 5 year residency and begin the naturalization process. Yet, when I see this President and Attorney General fail to enforce laws meant to keep our safe and sound, I get very angry!
I treasure my US citizenship and because I have spent a lot of time outside of the USA, I see it's value. I also treasure the rights and privileges of being a US citizen because we do have the best country in the world. I want my elections to have integrity, knowing that the people elected to office are there because the votes were from qualified voters, not illegal aliens.
I want the immigration process to have integrity and to be efficient, therefore we need to look at immigration reform that will allow legal immigrants to enter our country and become productive US citizens. This country was built by immigrants but the majority were legal immigrants and many became the builders of our great nation.
The US Constitution has endured for centuries, this President feels it is just a piece of paper that he can ignore when it is convenient. We need to defeat President Barack Obama in November and elect Congressmen, Congresswomen and Senators in November that believe in a nation of laws and the Constitution.
The control of our borders is a stated power of the Federal Government, not deciding the type of health care a person is to receive. I ask those people running for office that believe in our country, to dedicate yourselves to the US Constitution and to make sure our country and freedoms are preserved.
Too many people have died to preserve our freedoms and another 4 years of this President will serve to dishonor their sacrifice.
To Mitt Romney: You have a rough journey ahead in order to restore our country's honor. You must dedicate yourself to sending a message of confidence that you will lead our nation to a better state than it is today. You must further dedicate yourself that if you become our next President, you will implement decisions that are best for our country AND fully respect the US Constitution. I agree with you that "bailing" out of the automotive by the US Government was wrong, I say that because it was not a power of the federal government stated in the US Constitution!
I value my US citizenship and I hope do also.
President Obama has really upset with his failure to enforce current immigration laws and will not deport ALL illegal immigrants from the USA. A nation of laws is a nation that is stable and freedom is preserved. A nation without laws is chaos to the extreme.
My wife and stepson are LEGAL residents of the USA and I can say from experience that the legal process is expensive and extensive. I am very angry with this administration because they are undermining the value of US citizenship. The striking down of laws by states to enforce immigration laws and assure the integrity of elections upsets me greatly. This election is very important and states like Texas and Florida want assure that US citizens are voting not illegal aliens and non-citizens. Yet, this administration wants to have no safeguards for assuring that our republic is sound and stable.
My wife and son want to become US citizens when they have completed the requisite 5 year residency and begin the naturalization process. Yet, when I see this President and Attorney General fail to enforce laws meant to keep our safe and sound, I get very angry!
I treasure my US citizenship and because I have spent a lot of time outside of the USA, I see it's value. I also treasure the rights and privileges of being a US citizen because we do have the best country in the world. I want my elections to have integrity, knowing that the people elected to office are there because the votes were from qualified voters, not illegal aliens.
I want the immigration process to have integrity and to be efficient, therefore we need to look at immigration reform that will allow legal immigrants to enter our country and become productive US citizens. This country was built by immigrants but the majority were legal immigrants and many became the builders of our great nation.
The US Constitution has endured for centuries, this President feels it is just a piece of paper that he can ignore when it is convenient. We need to defeat President Barack Obama in November and elect Congressmen, Congresswomen and Senators in November that believe in a nation of laws and the Constitution.
The control of our borders is a stated power of the Federal Government, not deciding the type of health care a person is to receive. I ask those people running for office that believe in our country, to dedicate yourselves to the US Constitution and to make sure our country and freedoms are preserved.
Too many people have died to preserve our freedoms and another 4 years of this President will serve to dishonor their sacrifice.
To Mitt Romney: You have a rough journey ahead in order to restore our country's honor. You must dedicate yourself to sending a message of confidence that you will lead our nation to a better state than it is today. You must further dedicate yourself that if you become our next President, you will implement decisions that are best for our country AND fully respect the US Constitution. I agree with you that "bailing" out of the automotive by the US Government was wrong, I say that because it was not a power of the federal government stated in the US Constitution!
I value my US citizenship and I hope do also.
Saturday, May 19, 2012
Jobs Jobs Jobs
The USA and the world has experienced one of the roughest economic downturns since the 1930's. We all know why it happen and the causes. Politicians feel they are the only ones who can solve the problem and many think that the State has all the answers.
Our socialist President believed that massive public works, large cash infusions through social programs and more regulation will cure the problems of the downturn. This President says that massive State spending are investments, yet we know it is the expenditure of money that the State does not have and must borrow. To pay off this debt, the State must raise revenue through taxation. Taxation is the confiscation of wealth by the State in order for the State to provide many necessary and unnecessary services that it provides.
Adam Smith in his book "The Wealth of Nations" explains how a society creates wealth through the commerce of goods and services that the society needs to grow and prosper. Wealth is created in the private sector through commerce, wealth has infinite dimensions. The creation of wealth allows a society to create jobs for all members of that society.
I will admit the State provides very necessary services to society such as national defense and overall public safety. Those individuals involved in the defense of our country and protecting our safety do an admirable service and need to be respected.
But, if a society wants to create jobs for its members then a vibrant private sector is needed without confiscatory taxation and unnecessary/burdensome regulations administered by bureaucrats that produce nothing for the society.
Mitt Romney was a successful venture capitalist that through investments created wealth and jobs for the society. Bain Capital did reap many rewards, yet they did place themselves at risk in order to reap those rewards. President Obama insults these firms because in some of their endeavors, businesses were closed and jobs were lost in the process. Yet, they produced a net gain in jobs and allowed for some very successful businesses to come into being. Staples is a successful business and provides many of the products that we need to conduct business in our economy.
Our employment will increase when the society feels confident that if they place capital at risk and they have a good chance of success. But, we have a President today that wants to confiscate wealth from the successful and have the State decide what is the best for individual. Obamacare is a good example of how the State will decide what is best for individual without allowing the individual to decide what is best.
The re-election of Barack Obama and a liberal Democrat majority in Congress will lead to a further stagnation of our economy, increasing of the US Government debt to levels that will cause a default of that debt and the creation of a nation where the people will be dependent upon the State for their daily needs of food, shelter and clothing. Barack Obama and his lackeys want their "socialist" utopia which will never occur. Look at China and Russia as they abandoned their "socialist" utopias and embraced the ideals of the market economy. Barack Obama and his cohorts have no idea what it takes to grow an economy but they do have an idea how to create a State where they will have all the power to control society.
So, we want jobs in our country, then the let the entrepreneur thrive, take risks and create wealth. That entrepreneur will create jobs which will allow for an increase in society's wealth and the circle of economic growth will continue. Taxation and regulation will not help the job situation, only political leaders that will lower taxation rates, lower State spending and remove burdensome regulations will improve the job situation.
We know the choice facing us, an American capitalist that believes in the abilities of individuals to make the right choices or a Marxist that believes that the State must rule people's lives.
Our socialist President believed that massive public works, large cash infusions through social programs and more regulation will cure the problems of the downturn. This President says that massive State spending are investments, yet we know it is the expenditure of money that the State does not have and must borrow. To pay off this debt, the State must raise revenue through taxation. Taxation is the confiscation of wealth by the State in order for the State to provide many necessary and unnecessary services that it provides.
Adam Smith in his book "The Wealth of Nations" explains how a society creates wealth through the commerce of goods and services that the society needs to grow and prosper. Wealth is created in the private sector through commerce, wealth has infinite dimensions. The creation of wealth allows a society to create jobs for all members of that society.
I will admit the State provides very necessary services to society such as national defense and overall public safety. Those individuals involved in the defense of our country and protecting our safety do an admirable service and need to be respected.
But, if a society wants to create jobs for its members then a vibrant private sector is needed without confiscatory taxation and unnecessary/burdensome regulations administered by bureaucrats that produce nothing for the society.
Mitt Romney was a successful venture capitalist that through investments created wealth and jobs for the society. Bain Capital did reap many rewards, yet they did place themselves at risk in order to reap those rewards. President Obama insults these firms because in some of their endeavors, businesses were closed and jobs were lost in the process. Yet, they produced a net gain in jobs and allowed for some very successful businesses to come into being. Staples is a successful business and provides many of the products that we need to conduct business in our economy.
Our employment will increase when the society feels confident that if they place capital at risk and they have a good chance of success. But, we have a President today that wants to confiscate wealth from the successful and have the State decide what is the best for individual. Obamacare is a good example of how the State will decide what is best for individual without allowing the individual to decide what is best.
The re-election of Barack Obama and a liberal Democrat majority in Congress will lead to a further stagnation of our economy, increasing of the US Government debt to levels that will cause a default of that debt and the creation of a nation where the people will be dependent upon the State for their daily needs of food, shelter and clothing. Barack Obama and his lackeys want their "socialist" utopia which will never occur. Look at China and Russia as they abandoned their "socialist" utopias and embraced the ideals of the market economy. Barack Obama and his cohorts have no idea what it takes to grow an economy but they do have an idea how to create a State where they will have all the power to control society.
So, we want jobs in our country, then the let the entrepreneur thrive, take risks and create wealth. That entrepreneur will create jobs which will allow for an increase in society's wealth and the circle of economic growth will continue. Taxation and regulation will not help the job situation, only political leaders that will lower taxation rates, lower State spending and remove burdensome regulations will improve the job situation.
We know the choice facing us, an American capitalist that believes in the abilities of individuals to make the right choices or a Marxist that believes that the State must rule people's lives.
Saturday, May 12, 2012
Re-Distribution of Wealth
I do not understand how something infinite can be "redistributed". I wonder how a President of the United States can believe that increasing taxation on the economy will create growth in that economy. I also wonder how taking the wealth of the successful by the state will improve the people as a whole.
I ask these things because if we look at history and we see that when the state confiscates the tools of enterprise, the population begins to experience the effects of poverty in a short amount of time. Of course, the elites of these states will not suffer any adverse effects of these confiscations due to their status in the state. Examples are numerous, North Korea, the old Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and numerous other states. Interesting is that with the economic changes in China, that when the forced confiscation of the tools of enterprise was abandoned, the wealth of the society increased. China has embraced the key tenets of the market economy and you see many people leave the throes of poverty.
Barack Obama, the current President of the United States has proposed the "Buffett Rule" in terms of taxation. The rule demands that people earning over $1 million dollars on an annual basis must pay a minimum of 30% of that income in taxes no matter the source of that income. President Obama states this will reduce the deficit and make the successful pay their fair share. The majority of people that earn over $1 million dollars create jobs through their economic activity. President Obama has never created a job, excuse me he did when wrote his books and they were sold. Yet, he has never really worked in the private sector for any great period of time like his Republican opponent. Mitt Romney worked for many years at Bain Capital which saved a number of companies that eventually created thousands of jobs. Sure, in some of their enterprises jobs were eliminated but Bain Capital had a net creation of jobs. These jobs in the private sector created wealth, jobs in the public sector do not create wealth in a market economy. The public sector has its place in a market economy as many necessary services such as public safety and national defense which are performed in the USA at a high professional level for the most part.
The re-election of Barack Obama coupled with a return of liberal majorities in the houses of Congress will in four years create an agrarian subsistence society in the United States. I might be a little dramatic at this point, but this President has led the efforts to having trillion dollar deficits and a massive increase in the US national debt that will reach a point where it will never be repaid.
The solution is the election of Mitt Romney coupled a Tea Party influenced Congress that will cut spending on worthless programs, rationalize government revenue that will reduce the deficits and reduce the debt level of the US government. Libertarian thoughts about the true purpose of the role of government need to be implemented in order to reduce the role of government.
Another thing, Ronald Reagan led the efforts to eliminate crazy deductions in order to reduce the income tax rates to something more reasonable. Remember, we had a top rate of 90% in the past and an even more complicated tax code than we do today. Further simplification of the tax code will lead to lower rates and better rationalization of revenue needed to meet the obligations of the Federal Government as stated in the Constitution. Ronald Reagan was not a wide eyed socialist like President Obama likes to say, Ronald Reagan believed that the solution to problems was not the government but through individual efforts you get solutions.
Re-distribution of wealth as stated by President Obama will do nothing more than create more poverty, greater unemployment and social unrest. If we are given the opportunity to create more wealth and if more people get involved in wealth creation, the wealth will be distributed for all to reap the benefits.
I ask these things because if we look at history and we see that when the state confiscates the tools of enterprise, the population begins to experience the effects of poverty in a short amount of time. Of course, the elites of these states will not suffer any adverse effects of these confiscations due to their status in the state. Examples are numerous, North Korea, the old Soviet Union, Nazi Germany and numerous other states. Interesting is that with the economic changes in China, that when the forced confiscation of the tools of enterprise was abandoned, the wealth of the society increased. China has embraced the key tenets of the market economy and you see many people leave the throes of poverty.
Barack Obama, the current President of the United States has proposed the "Buffett Rule" in terms of taxation. The rule demands that people earning over $1 million dollars on an annual basis must pay a minimum of 30% of that income in taxes no matter the source of that income. President Obama states this will reduce the deficit and make the successful pay their fair share. The majority of people that earn over $1 million dollars create jobs through their economic activity. President Obama has never created a job, excuse me he did when wrote his books and they were sold. Yet, he has never really worked in the private sector for any great period of time like his Republican opponent. Mitt Romney worked for many years at Bain Capital which saved a number of companies that eventually created thousands of jobs. Sure, in some of their enterprises jobs were eliminated but Bain Capital had a net creation of jobs. These jobs in the private sector created wealth, jobs in the public sector do not create wealth in a market economy. The public sector has its place in a market economy as many necessary services such as public safety and national defense which are performed in the USA at a high professional level for the most part.
The re-election of Barack Obama coupled with a return of liberal majorities in the houses of Congress will in four years create an agrarian subsistence society in the United States. I might be a little dramatic at this point, but this President has led the efforts to having trillion dollar deficits and a massive increase in the US national debt that will reach a point where it will never be repaid.
The solution is the election of Mitt Romney coupled a Tea Party influenced Congress that will cut spending on worthless programs, rationalize government revenue that will reduce the deficits and reduce the debt level of the US government. Libertarian thoughts about the true purpose of the role of government need to be implemented in order to reduce the role of government.
Another thing, Ronald Reagan led the efforts to eliminate crazy deductions in order to reduce the income tax rates to something more reasonable. Remember, we had a top rate of 90% in the past and an even more complicated tax code than we do today. Further simplification of the tax code will lead to lower rates and better rationalization of revenue needed to meet the obligations of the Federal Government as stated in the Constitution. Ronald Reagan was not a wide eyed socialist like President Obama likes to say, Ronald Reagan believed that the solution to problems was not the government but through individual efforts you get solutions.
Re-distribution of wealth as stated by President Obama will do nothing more than create more poverty, greater unemployment and social unrest. If we are given the opportunity to create more wealth and if more people get involved in wealth creation, the wealth will be distributed for all to reap the benefits.
Saturday, May 5, 2012
The Choice
In November 2012, the American people will have a choice of what they want for the USA.
We have an incumbent President that is nothing more than a Marxist, if given another four years and if he has a compliant Congress led by the liberal Democrats, we will see the implementation of socialist policies that will bury the American in an unsustainable National Debt and lives ruled by the directives of government bureaucrats.
On the other hand, we have a Republican nominee that has not inspired the base of the party, as yet. Mitt Romney has a proven track of successfully leading many enterprises to success. We must not forget that he led the efforts to rework the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics from a sea of corruption and bankruptcy to a grand success with a financial profit!
Sure, Mitt Romney signed the state law that created a state wide health insurance scheme for the state of Massachusetts. Remember, the 10th amendment of the United States constitution allows individual states to do such things, NOT the Federal Government!
But, Mitt Romney with the help of a Republican lead House of Representatives and Senate will be able to repair the damage of the last four years and bring our country into financial order. I believe that if Barack Obama were to win re-election in November we will suffer tremendously in this country.
So, I as an American voter will vote for Mitt Romney for President and for Republican candidates across the board. I will support Tea Party candidates as they have a vision of a USA that will come back to the foundation laid in the constitution.
Furthermore, I want the Republican Party to be further reformed for what I call the "Ron Paul Revolution". I do not agree with many things of what Ron Paul supports but the foundations of many of his views are sound. His view on eliminating the Federal Reserve and returning to the Gold Standard is impractical in reality, it does however have some good foundation in that the US Government must live within it means. The USA must have a sound foundation our economy to be stable and grow in real terms. The "Ron Paul Revolution" in the Republican Party will bring the party back to its foundation of limited government and individual choices and freedom.
I will keep writing articles focusing on specific issues during the course of this campaign. My articles will point out the what we need to do as a nation in order to enable our republic to continue.
Thank you for your time.
We have an incumbent President that is nothing more than a Marxist, if given another four years and if he has a compliant Congress led by the liberal Democrats, we will see the implementation of socialist policies that will bury the American in an unsustainable National Debt and lives ruled by the directives of government bureaucrats.
On the other hand, we have a Republican nominee that has not inspired the base of the party, as yet. Mitt Romney has a proven track of successfully leading many enterprises to success. We must not forget that he led the efforts to rework the Salt Lake City Winter Olympics from a sea of corruption and bankruptcy to a grand success with a financial profit!
Sure, Mitt Romney signed the state law that created a state wide health insurance scheme for the state of Massachusetts. Remember, the 10th amendment of the United States constitution allows individual states to do such things, NOT the Federal Government!
But, Mitt Romney with the help of a Republican lead House of Representatives and Senate will be able to repair the damage of the last four years and bring our country into financial order. I believe that if Barack Obama were to win re-election in November we will suffer tremendously in this country.
So, I as an American voter will vote for Mitt Romney for President and for Republican candidates across the board. I will support Tea Party candidates as they have a vision of a USA that will come back to the foundation laid in the constitution.
Furthermore, I want the Republican Party to be further reformed for what I call the "Ron Paul Revolution". I do not agree with many things of what Ron Paul supports but the foundations of many of his views are sound. His view on eliminating the Federal Reserve and returning to the Gold Standard is impractical in reality, it does however have some good foundation in that the US Government must live within it means. The USA must have a sound foundation our economy to be stable and grow in real terms. The "Ron Paul Revolution" in the Republican Party will bring the party back to its foundation of limited government and individual choices and freedom.
I will keep writing articles focusing on specific issues during the course of this campaign. My articles will point out the what we need to do as a nation in order to enable our republic to continue.
Thank you for your time.
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