The USA and the world has experienced one of the roughest economic downturns since the 1930's. We all know why it happen and the causes. Politicians feel they are the only ones who can solve the problem and many think that the State has all the answers.
Our socialist President believed that massive public works, large cash infusions through social programs and more regulation will cure the problems of the downturn. This President says that massive State spending are investments, yet we know it is the expenditure of money that the State does not have and must borrow. To pay off this debt, the State must raise revenue through taxation. Taxation is the confiscation of wealth by the State in order for the State to provide many necessary and unnecessary services that it provides.
Adam Smith in his book "The Wealth of Nations" explains how a society creates wealth through the commerce of goods and services that the society needs to grow and prosper. Wealth is created in the private sector through commerce, wealth has infinite dimensions. The creation of wealth allows a society to create jobs for all members of that society.
I will admit the State provides very necessary services to society such as national defense and overall public safety. Those individuals involved in the defense of our country and protecting our safety do an admirable service and need to be respected.
But, if a society wants to create jobs for its members then a vibrant private sector is needed without confiscatory taxation and unnecessary/burdensome regulations administered by bureaucrats that produce nothing for the society.
Mitt Romney was a successful venture capitalist that through investments created wealth and jobs for the society. Bain Capital did reap many rewards, yet they did place themselves at risk in order to reap those rewards. President Obama insults these firms because in some of their endeavors, businesses were closed and jobs were lost in the process. Yet, they produced a net gain in jobs and allowed for some very successful businesses to come into being. Staples is a successful business and provides many of the products that we need to conduct business in our economy.
Our employment will increase when the society feels confident that if they place capital at risk and they have a good chance of success. But, we have a President today that wants to confiscate wealth from the successful and have the State decide what is the best for individual. Obamacare is a good example of how the State will decide what is best for individual without allowing the individual to decide what is best.
The re-election of Barack Obama and a liberal Democrat majority in Congress will lead to a further stagnation of our economy, increasing of the US Government debt to levels that will cause a default of that debt and the creation of a nation where the people will be dependent upon the State for their daily needs of food, shelter and clothing. Barack Obama and his lackeys want their "socialist" utopia which will never occur. Look at China and Russia as they abandoned their "socialist" utopias and embraced the ideals of the market economy. Barack Obama and his cohorts have no idea what it takes to grow an economy but they do have an idea how to create a State where they will have all the power to control society.
So, we want jobs in our country, then the let the entrepreneur thrive, take risks and create wealth. That entrepreneur will create jobs which will allow for an increase in society's wealth and the circle of economic growth will continue. Taxation and regulation will not help the job situation, only political leaders that will lower taxation rates, lower State spending and remove burdensome regulations will improve the job situation.
We know the choice facing us, an American capitalist that believes in the abilities of individuals to make the right choices or a Marxist that believes that the State must rule people's lives.
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