We all can agree that immigration reform is needed for the USA - FACT!
President Obama has really upset with his failure to enforce current immigration laws and will not deport ALL illegal immigrants from the USA. A nation of laws is a nation that is stable and freedom is preserved. A nation without laws is chaos to the extreme.
My wife and stepson are LEGAL residents of the USA and I can say from experience that the legal process is expensive and extensive. I am very angry with this administration because they are undermining the value of US citizenship. The striking down of laws by states to enforce immigration laws and assure the integrity of elections upsets me greatly. This election is very important and states like Texas and Florida want assure that US citizens are voting not illegal aliens and non-citizens. Yet, this administration wants to have no safeguards for assuring that our republic is sound and stable.
My wife and son want to become US citizens when they have completed the requisite 5 year residency and begin the naturalization process. Yet, when I see this President and Attorney General fail to enforce laws meant to keep our safe and sound, I get very angry!
I treasure my US citizenship and because I have spent a lot of time outside of the USA, I see it's value. I also treasure the rights and privileges of being a US citizen because we do have the best country in the world. I want my elections to have integrity, knowing that the people elected to office are there because the votes were from qualified voters, not illegal aliens.
I want the immigration process to have integrity and to be efficient, therefore we need to look at immigration reform that will allow legal immigrants to enter our country and become productive US citizens. This country was built by immigrants but the majority were legal immigrants and many became the builders of our great nation.
The US Constitution has endured for centuries, this President feels it is just a piece of paper that he can ignore when it is convenient. We need to defeat President Barack Obama in November and elect Congressmen, Congresswomen and Senators in November that believe in a nation of laws and the Constitution.
The control of our borders is a stated power of the Federal Government, not deciding the type of health care a person is to receive. I ask those people running for office that believe in our country, to dedicate yourselves to the US Constitution and to make sure our country and freedoms are preserved.
Too many people have died to preserve our freedoms and another 4 years of this President will serve to dishonor their sacrifice.
To Mitt Romney: You have a rough journey ahead in order to restore our country's honor. You must dedicate yourself to sending a message of confidence that you will lead our nation to a better state than it is today. You must further dedicate yourself that if you become our next President, you will implement decisions that are best for our country AND fully respect the US Constitution. I agree with you that "bailing" out of the automotive by the US Government was wrong, I say that because it was not a power of the federal government stated in the US Constitution!
I value my US citizenship and I hope do also.
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